About us

Kalista Kimmel and Family     Sue Newport and Grandson

Welcome to Tillium's, where creativity knows no bounds! We're Kalysta and Sue, a dynamic mother-daughter duo with a shared passion for crafting and creating one-of-a-kind treasures that bring joy to people's lives.

Our Story

Our journey into the world of crafting began with a simple idea and a shared love for all things handmade. It all started with late-night crafting sessions around the kitchen table, where we discovered the magic of transforming raw materials into unique, personalized creations. These moments became more than just crafting; they became the foundation of our business and the bond that ties us together.

Our Inspiration

At Tillium's, our inspiration comes from life's special moments, big and small. Whether it's a milestone celebration, a cherished memory, or an everyday joy, we believe in turning these moments into tangible expressions of love and creativity. Our passion lies in making your ideas come to life, infusing them with our expertise, and crafting something that truly resonates with your heart.

Our Craftsmanship

Quality is at the heart of everything we do. Each piece we create is carefully handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail. We take pride in sourcing the finest materials and using time-tested techniques to ensure that every custom creation we make is a masterpiece you'll treasure for years to come.

Our Commitment

As a family-owned and woman-led business, we are committed to empowering women in entrepreneurship. We believe in the strength of women working together, supporting one another, and nurturing creativity. Our business is not just about crafting; it's about fostering a sense of community and celebrating the power of handmade craftsmanship.

Join Us on this Creative Journey

We invite you to explore our gallery of custom creations, where you'll find a wide range of handmade items, from personalized gifts and home décor to fashion accessories and more. Whether you have a specific idea in mind or need inspiration, we're here to collaborate with you and bring your vision to life.

Thank you for choosing Tillium's. We're excited to embark on this creative journey with you, and we can't wait to craft something special that speaks to your heart.

Warmest wishes,

Kalysta & Sue

Our Mission:

At Tillium's, we are dedicated to crafting customized, high-quality items that reflect your unique style and story. As a woman-owned business, our mission is to infuse passion and creativity into every product we create, empowering individuals to celebrate their individuality and cherish life's special moments through our bespoke creations.

Our Core Values:

Craftsmanship: We take immense pride in our craftsmanship, ensuring that every Tillium's creation is a testament to quality and attention to detail.

Personalization: Your vision is our inspiration. We offer a personalized experience that allows you to co-create items that resonate with your personality and preferences.

Empowerment: We are committed to empowering women in business. Our business serves as a platform for women to thrive and excel in the world of customization and craftsmanship.

Customer-Centric: Your satisfaction is our priority. We listen, adapt, and innovate to exceed your expectations, delivering products that evoke joy and satisfaction.

Creativity: We foster an environment of creativity and innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible to bring your unique ideas to life.

Sustainability: We are mindful of our environmental impact and strive to minimize waste and promote sustainable practices in our craft.

Our Vision:

To be the foremost destination for individuals seeking customized, high-quality items that reflect their personalities, passions, and memories. We envision a world where every Tillium's creation tells a story and holds sentimental value, enriching lives through meaningful and personalized products.

Join us on our journey as we continue to celebrate individuality, empower women, and craft exceptional, tailor-made items that become cherished treasures for generations to come.

Tillium's - Crafting Your Story, One Custom Creation at a Time.